What We’re Saying

5 of the Fortnight

7 March 2024

At MCCP, we find brand storytelling – clearly communicating your authentic, compelling narrative - to be more important than ever.

  1. Brand Storytelling – The visual art of storytelling to drive engagement

At MCCP, we find brand storytelling – clearly communicating your authentic, compelling narrative - to be more important than ever.  With more complex media platforms and with lower attention among audiences, a simple, persuasive story can help to drive colleague, audience, and stakeholder engagement. With over 200 years of amazing stories to tell, we were delighted to host a brand storytelling workshop with the Irish Coast Guard at Dublin Castle.  We worked with illustrator Fintan Taite to bring those stories to life in graphic recordings, truly a picture telling a thousand words!


  1. Gen AI brings creative efficiency but also risk if not used appropriately

In the era of generative AI, there is a greater temptation to shortcut the necessary consumer insight and creative execution to deliver compelling marketing content. However as was seen in Glasgow recently, using AI images to mislead guests can have disastrous effects. Guests who paid up to £35 for a ticket to the immersive attraction in Glasgow told various media outlets that it was “poorly done” and “terrifying.”  Some parents were so angry, they called the police.  Social media posts about Willy's Chocolate Experience have generated millions of views over the past weeks.


  1. Irish Cancer Society – taking life back from cancer

Our client Irish Cancer Society is holding its annual Daffodil Day on 22nd of March. MCCP’s insight work ‘Taking Life Back from Cancer’ found that many do not understand the full remit of the ICS, what they do and for whom.  ICS now supports people in their vital work as a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. We encourage you to support them by donating at:
