What We’re Saying

Department of Transport – Inspiring Citizens to Make Their Journey Count

8 March 2024

Everyone knows we need to change our behaviours to protect the environment. So why don’t we?

The answer surprised the Department of Transport (DoT). The assumption was young people ‘wanted to save the planet’ and older people were more selfish and self-interested. As it turned out, behavioural drivers are more nuanced and are a combination of unselfish motivations for the next generation and economic access to suitable alternatives. MCCP’s research was the first research programme commissioned by DoT to understand how real people felt about sustainability in transport. Insights from this research was integral to informing DoT’s strategy and first major campaign that focused on building advocacy and belief among citizens to pave the way for the future of transport in Ireland.

“This project has resulted in a radical step-change not just in how DoT communicates and engages with citizens, but also in how DoT views the importance of strategic communications as a discipline. The quality, breadth and robustness of MCCP’s work has elevated DoT’s own understanding of the role strategic communications can play in driving policy delivery and creating change. This project has also created buy-in across all levels of the organisation to the value and potential of strategic communications. By building a comprehensive and best-in-class evidence base to guide our decision making, this project has resulted in a clear, coherent, ambitious and supported long-term communications strategy which will guide DoT over the coming years.”

Lyndsey Drea, Head of Communications – Department of Transport

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